I’m back !! (or maybe…)
After a long, long time, as one of my new year’s resolutions, I decided to give it a try and fit in my incredibly heavy schedule a little time for this blog.
There is no safe prediction whether I will be able to keep up with this task, but I think it’s worth the effort because there are a lot of shareable things that happened the last couple of years.
I will try to be blogging about
- the progress in the SP-Rest software (my Rest-ful web services php server and database wrapper),
- CS-Helpdesk, a customized helpdesk – ticketing program I developed the last couple of months using the Phalcon PHP framework (which I would like to talk about too) and many-many other topics.
Maybe there are also some interesting things to share about my experience coaching and managing one of the most effective agile development teams in Greece (as they evolved to be), from my position as CTO of Computer Solutions SA.
Well, only time can (and will) tell !…